Port Duba Pelješka
Name of the project
Port Duba Pelješka
Construction duration
Completion of construction works: Commencement date: September 2021., Completion date: May 2022.
Project details
The subject of the project is the extension of the main breakwater with a stone embankment in the length of about 45 m in the village of Duba Pelješka. This project resulted in the protected waters of the port during the waves.
The extension was designed as a filled structure 35.64 m long and 7.50 m wide to 8.58 m in above sea level.The area of the new part of the breakwater structure in the part above the sea is 247 m2.
The stone embankment is made in 3 layers, the general stone embankment up to 0.1-0.5 t, the filter layer up to 0.5 t and the protective stone embankment up to 5 t.
A reinforced concrete foundation was built on the crown of the breakwater, to which the port light was moved.
Due to the characteristics of the location and the existing breakwater, the entire work was performed from vessels with the assistance of divers and the Surveying and Mapping Authority.